Click FULL SCREEN on the video above to see the exact moment the Knight's sword passed over each of Christopher Coker's shoulders as part of the ceremony to elevate him to the rank of Knight of the Bishop.
On Sunday, February 06, 2022, 14 year old Christopher Coker (center, in front of Bishop Baldacchino) was promoted to Knight of the Bishop. This is the first Knight of the Bishop for San Albino Basilica; Fr. Christopher Williams (right of Coker) serves as the Knight Director and pastor of the Basilica.
This is not an easy achievement. Christopher had to meet the minimum qualifications (see below) for each of four phases on the way to Bishop's Knight of the Altar. He had to learn and live the general rules (see below) and advance from Apprentice to Squire to Knight to Bishop's Knight by completing an increasingly more complex listing of activities, taking and passing tests at each level, and consistently performing at greater levels of engagement along the way. At all phases, his character and integrity were at issue; just like with medieval knights, the Knights of the Altar are bound to strict codes of conduct and collaboration.
Christopher's parents, Viviana and Nathan Coker, admit they are very proud of their son's historic achievement and took their honored place in the front pew for the ceremony held at San Albino's Basilica during the 11:00am Sunday Mass on February 6th. Bishop Baldacchino passed the sword over each of Christopher's shoulders as the young man transitioned to the highest level of altar servers. The knight's helmet, belt and shield took center stage while waiting for the ceremony to begin.
To learn more about becoming a Knight and Bishop's Knight, keep reading excerpts from the Handbook and from a history detailed on Wikipedia below.
From the Knights of the Altar Handbook
1. Candidates should be of excellent character, pure of heart and soul. Demonstrates by having a special love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament that is practically visible in visitations with Our Lord as He waits in the silence of the tabernacle--and by receiving Him frequently in Holy Communion.
2. Secondly, the Knight must be intelligent--demonstrated by learning the prayers of the Mass and the movements around the altar so that no hesitancy is exhibited when performing these actions.
3. Third, the knight must be trustworthy and reliable: this is demonstrated by being on time when scheduled to serve Mass. "Be on time" is an ironclad rule for any true Knight of the Altar. [Any sacrifice to be on time is small in comparison to that which Jesus sacrificed for each of us.]
4. Fourth, present a neat and clean appearance when performing their duties--as a true knight would never appear before his lord in disarray. No casual, recreational clothing or footwear, no uncombed hair should be exhibited in the presence of the Lord of lords.
General Rules: All Knights of the Altar are expected to take an active part and a lively interest in the social activities of their group. Athletics, drama, sports, music, singing and various other activities shall be fostered and encouraged--each helping Knights of the Altar every opportunity to develop the best qualities of mind an heart. Realizing there is unity in strength, the Knight of the Altar is expected to learn to pool his or her individiaul interests with the interests of the majority. Success is only realized when all work together for the common end.
Method of Advancement (adapted from the Handbook):
1. Apprentice: have received First Holy Communion and begin, on a trial basis, to establish appropriate behaviors during Mass while studying altar servers and taking on assignments.
2. Squire: for advancement to Squire, the Apprentice has to have attended meetings of the Knights of the Altar, serve as a cross-bearer at Mass, pass a knowledge test, demonstrate sufficient good will in performing the requirements and duties of service. Upon promotion to Squire, the altar server will receive the emblem of the Squire and the Certificate of the Squire.
3. Knight: for advancement to Knight, the Squire must have attended at 10 meetings, served at least 15 times at Mass (five times each as a cross-bearer, a candle-bearer, and book-bearer), and volunteer at least two times for parish functions. He or she must also show sufficient good will in performing the requirments and duties of service as well as passed the knowledge test to become a Knight.
4. Knight of the Bishop: for advancement from Knight to Knight of the Bishop, the Knight must serve at Mass as a boat-bearer and a thurifer at least five times each (and must pass the relevant tests on these activities). They must take and pass the test on how to use the vimpas, mitre, and crosier. They must attend at least 10 more meetings of the Knights of the Altar as a Knight. They must have served during at least two Mass of the Triduum, served at least one Easter Mass and one Christmas Mass, and shown sufficient good will in performing the requirements and duties of service. Knights must frequently help train Apprentices and Squires in meetings. They must also submit a letter of intent and have been approved for advancement by the Director, the Pastor. Once approved, the director will inform the Bishop of a new Knight pledged to his service. The promotion ceremony asks the new Knight of the Bishop to renew the Knighthood Pledge, receive the emblem of a Knight of the Bishop, and receive the certificate of the Knight of the Bishop. A Bishop's Knight must aslo continue to serve (perfectly), continue to train Squires and Knights, lead by example and persuade others to achieve at higher levels in addition to praying the rosary (daily if possible) and prayers asking for Mary's protection and exhibiting love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
Fr. Francis E. Benz was the first to formally organize and found the society for altar boys in 1938. Fr. Benz was a priest in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA when Archbishop John Gregory Murray granted his approval to the organization which has these following objectives:
In 1974, when K of A representatives gathered in Rome during its 35th anniversary that coincided with All Saints Day, Pope Paul VI sanctified boy servers in the Sacred Congregation to the Pontifical Work for Ecclesiastical Vocations when he said that "Mass servers as the first seminary."
In 1978, a revised K of A Handbook was published (first edition was in 1971), with a new program, revised materials, and a renewed effort to promote K of A society and to foster vocations.
In 2008, the Knights of the Altar Society, North America was established and is actively engaged in rebuilding the organization.