by Grace Cassetta, Diocesan Director of Evangelization and Formation
Diocesan Eucharistic Congress
By Grace Cassetta
On Saturday, August 4th, the Diocese of Las Cruces will celebrate its 5th Annual Eucharistic Congress at Centennial High School in Las Cruces, NM. The Church tells us that she is most beautifully manifested whenever lay people, religious men and women, priests, and deacons gather together with their Bishop around the Eucharistic table. The Eucharistic Congress provides us the opportunity to be this special manifestation of the Church as well as offering time for reconciliation, formation, prayer and fellowship. The Eucharistic Congress is for all the faithful of the diocese, from young children to senior citizens.
Since the promulgation of the diocesan pastoral priorities in 2015, the theme for the Eucharistic Congress has been based on pastoral priority for that year. The 2018-19 pastoral priority is the evangelization of youth and young adults. Recent studies (Pew Research; St. Mary’s Press & Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University Study) show that 35 percent of young adults in the United States claim no religious affiliation or have disaffiliated from their faith. There are two startling findings from these studies: 1) more Catholics have disaffiliated than any other denomination; 2) the average age when they disaffiliated is 13.
The theme for the Congress was developed with this research in mind. The theme for Congress is Encountering Jesus on the Journey. The focus of the Congress will be how we accompany youth and young adults on their journey of life so that we may encounter Jesus together. In light of this theme, the 2018 Congress will have few major differences from previous Congresses.
Instead of having a keynote speaker and breakout sessions, there will be three general sessions which will include a brief talk followed by table discussions. Each participant will be assigned to a table which will be comprised of younger and older adults. The purpose of the table groupings will be to give participants an opportunity to listen to one another, especially with regard to the reality of young adults, and to share ideas and hopes for evangelizing and engaging the young Church. The feedback that each table will provide at the end of each session will help to give guidance to parishes and the diocese for implementing the pastoral priority on evangelizing youth and young adults. The three general sessions will follow the scripture story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
Encounter on the Road (Luke 24: 13-27)
Encountering Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread (Luke 24: 28-32)
Return to Jerusalem (Luke 24: 34-35)
In an effort to encourage young adults to attend the Congress, the children’s registration fee of $5.00 per person will be extended to both youth and young adults. Therefore the registration fee for those age 30 years of age and younger will be $5.00.
Childcare will be offered for children 2-4 years of age. (There is also a children’s track for children aged 5-12 and a youth track for 13-17 year olds.)
The Congress will begin with Mass followed by Benediction and a Eucharistic procession. Throughout the day, priests will be available for confessions and there will be a Blessed Sacrament Chapel for personal prayer and adoration. Please mark your calendar and join Bishop Cantú and your brothers and sisters in faith for the 5th Annual Diocesan Eucharistic Congress. To register please go to the diocesan website