Happy Easter to you and yours!
Three days have scarcely passed since we witnessed Jesus’ infinitely Precious Blood shed for our ransom. Now, on the day of Easter, our Jesus is no longer the victim of death: He is a conqueror, who destroys death and proclaims life, that undying life which he has purchased for us. On the day of Easter, by the Resurrection of the Man-God, God regains His creation such as he made it at the beginning; the only vestige now left of death is sin, the likeness of which the Lamb of God deigned to take upon himself. Neither is it Jesus alone that returns to eternal life; the whole human race also has risen to immortality together with our Jesus.
Let us hope that our celebration of Easter does not end with our participation in today’s Eucharist. May these coming eight days (“Octave”), together with the rest of the Easter Season (lasting fifty days) be for all of us an overflowing of the victory over death which we celebrate today!
Enjoy the Easter Season!
Bishop Peter
photo by pisit heng on unsplash