Session A 10:30 AM-11:45 AM A-0 English Key Note: Passing on the Faith: The Pain and the Promise! Dr. Bob McCarty is a pastoral ministry consultant and trainer and has been in professional ministry since 1973, serving in parish, school, diocesan, and national settings. He offers consultations, retreats, workshops and training programs in ministry skills and issues internationally. Bob serves as the project coordinator for the Saint Mary’s Press research project, Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics.
Session B 1:15-2:30 PM B-1 Social Media & Modern Communication: Resource or Risk What does the Church say about social media and communications in the digital age--is it a risk or a resource for evangelization? This session will examine the Church’s approach to social media and modern communications and explore ways we can engage in it that will breathe life into our communities and help spread the message of Christ. Julia Fracker is the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools and Co-Director of the San Juan Diego Institute of Formation. Christopher Velasquez is the Diocesan Director of Communications.
B-2Modern Media in Catechesis for Teens The Church has always used the medium of the time to communicate truths of faith. Whether it be the parables of Jesus, 3-leaf clovers in Ireland, or stained-glass windows in the Middle Ages, how can we as catechists use modern media to aid our sharing of the faith? This workshop will look at using modern media in catechesis and provide a framework to do so. Carlos Briseño is the Director of Youth Ministry for the Basilica of San Albino and holds a Master’s Degree from Boston College.
B-3 There’s an App for That! Meet your youth where they are but how do we safely tread the tech world. This workshop will explore how youth ministry can safely use social media, apps and mobile devices to evangelize teens. Joey Valenzuela is aseasoned youth ministry leader with over 18 years’ experience in the field. He is current the Director of Youth Ministry at St. Genevieve Parish.
B-4 Engagement of Parents in Catechesis arents are the primary catechists for their children. This session will explore ways to convey this vital message to parents. Effective parent engagement strategies for your religious education program will be presented. Anthony and Christine Rodriguez coordinate the elementary religious education program at Our Lady of Health Parish with years of experience in catechesis and parenting.
B-5 Middle School Confirmation – Hello?? Is anyone there??? Catechists of middle school Confirmation candidates are working with a wide variety of young people and typically with a wide variety of disruption. Lessons need to be flexible, and capture and engage the candidates’ attention, then recapture it and then recapture it again. This workshop will explore ways to teach, reteach and reinforce lessons with progressive building blocks that will help the catechist reach their heads, hearts and hands. With some creativity, determination and a good dose of humor, middle-school Confirmation can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for all. Virginia Smith is the Director of Faith Formation for Holy Cross Parish and has worked in the field of education and catechesis for many years. Eva Perez is a student at New Mexico State University and is the administrative assistant for the Faith Formation Program at Holy Cross Parish. She has been involved in catechesis as an aid and a catechist for 7 years.
B-6Catechesis and Formation for Children ages 5-8 In this workshop we will discuss the six fundamental tasks of catechesis and how to apply them to catechesis with children. In addition the session will concentrate on methods, styles and resources available for the catechist to use in the classroom. Mary Helen Llañez is retired from working for the Diocese of Las Cruces where she served as the Coordinator of Elementary Catechesis and Director of Marriage and Family Life. Mary Helen has over 25 years of experience in catechesis and has provided catechist formation across the diocese.
B-7 Evangelization at the Milestones of Life Marriage, infant Baptism, funerals, these are the times in people’s lives where they may reconnect with the Church. How can we use these moments as opportunities for evangelization and to accompany people in their faith journey. This workshop will explore some ways to do this. Deacon Lonnie Briseño is the Diocesan Director of Marriage, Family Life and Child Well-being. Deacon Lonnie with his wife Lucy have served in ministerial roles in the diocese for over 25 years especially in the areas of catechesis, family life and parenting and youth ministry.
B-8 Fan vs. Follower - Creating Disciples for Christ within Teen Communities How do we keep young people in the Church is a question that youth ministers have been asking for years? The reality of youth is constantly shifting and expanding in regards to the influence that the media has on their lives. In this talk, we will work to breakdown the channels that young people are attracted to and discuss proactive ways to use the current trends in social culture as tools for evangelization. From there we will work through the model of “Believe, Belong, Behave” and realize the necessity to be in tune with the Holy Spirit with this model in order to best serve young people. Vanesa Zuleta is the new Diocesan Director for Youth, Young Adult and Pastoral Juvenil Ministries. Vanesa recently received a Master’s Degree from Boston College.
B-9 “Stir into Flame the Gift of God Which Is In You” This workshop will break open this scripture passage from St. Paul’s letter to Timothy and what it means for the spirituality of the catechist. Sr. Margarita Armendariz facilitates retreats and spiritual growth seminars, and assists in the ministry formation programs in El Paso, TX and Las Cruces, NM. She has experience as a Director of Ministries. Sister Margarita studied Sacred Scripture in Israel and is a certified spiritual director. She received her Master’s Degree in counseling psychology.
B-1010 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Catechist Catechists face various challenges when working with children, teens and adults. Sometimes we stumble into pitfalls that can sabotage our catechetical efforts. This workshop will help catechists avoid those pitfalls. Bishop Emeritus Ricardo Ramírez led the Diocese of Las Cruces since its creation in October of 1982 until his retirement in February of 2013.He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences where he has demonstrated a profound knowledge of communication techniques, especially in the fields of education and catechetical formation.
B-11 What Are Those Initials??? RCIA, OCIA, RCIC Whether it’s the RCIA, OCIA or RCIC, it’s the process for the journey to the Sacraments of Initiation for those of catechetical age. New to the ministry of initiation catechesis? Come and find out just what those initials mean. Joanna Haston is the Diocesan Director of Liturgical Formation.
B-12Bring Music to the Heart of the Lesson Participants in this workshop will experience a class filled with music! Lots of practical ideas for incorporating music into your religious education class! Geri Brink has been involved in Church music forever, beginning at age 11. Geri is a music teacher, having served at many schools in Las Cruces area and is currently at Las Cruces High School. She has served in music ministry at Holy Cross parish for 35 years.
B-13 Credible Catholic: Debunk Secular Myths about God In today’s society, especially among youth and young adults, we are bombarded with the notion that science and faith are not compatible. An “I believe in science, not God mentality”. This workshop will explore those secular myths and show how the Credible Catholic resource will debunk. This resource is useful for teens and adults. Jannel Whaley is the Regional Director of Education Development for the Magis Center which developed the Credible Catholic Resource. The Magis Cneter was founded by Father Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.
B-14Deepening the Wellspring of a Catechist This workshop will provide a “path” and a challenge to strengthen your relationship with your Lord Jesus through meditation on the Word and entering the inner room of your being via contemplation. Sr. Dorothy Young is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice. She has shred the Felician charism as teacher, principle, formation director, missionary and religious education director.
Session C 2:45-4:00 PM
C-1 El Catequista Rostro Humano de Dios y de la Iglesia Este taller te ayudará a identificarte con sentido de pertenecía profunda de una vocación autentica como catequista, para saber trasmitir el verdadero rostro de Dios, en la catequesis y en la Iglesia. Sr. Antonia Nerio Vargas, DMVG Tiene más de 25 años en la vida religiosa, colaboró como directora del Ministerio Hispano y directora espiritual del equipo arquidiocesano en Houston. Hoy en día colabora en la formación de líderes parroquiales en el lado este de la Diócesis de Las Cruces.
C-2 Actualización y Formación de Catequistas El uso de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) en la catequesis como una herramienta actual en el aprendizaje de los catequizados es esencial. Este taller te ayudará a actualizar tu formación como catequista en TIC. Sr. Maria del Rosario Muñoz, DMVG Lleva más de 20 años en la vida religiosa y 30 años de experiencia en el campo de la catequesis. Fue DRE y miembro del equipo de formación para el Ministerio Cristiano de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston. Ejerce su ministerio en la parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Dexter donde colabora en la formación de líderes parroquiales del área este de la Diócesis de Las Cruces. C-3 Enseñar y Orar: El Obra del Catequista La Catequesis es la obra para el conocimiento de Dios que nos acerca a experimentar el amor del Padre a través de su hijo Jesucristo y otra vez de la oración como repuesta a la fe en forma de alabanza, agradecimiento, petición e intercesión. Deacon Ruben Gutierrez El diácono Ruben es originario de México, a servido a niños, jóvenes y adultos en el ministerio de la catequesis desde 1975, fue ordenado como diácono permanente de la Diócesis de Las Cruces en el año 2015, y actualmente sirve en la Catedral del Inmaculado Corazón de Maria en Las Cruces.
C-4 El Compromiso de los Padres en la catequesis Los padres son los principales catequistas para sus hijos. Esta sesión explorará formas de transmitir este mensaje vital a los padres. Se presentarán estrategias eficaces de participación de los padres para su programa de educación religiosa. Anthony and Christine Rodriguez coordinadores del programa de educación religiosa primaria en la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Salud, con años de experiencia en la catequesis y la crianza de los hijos.
C-5 La Escritura y su Enseñanza, Las Sagradas Escrituras son parte de nuestra vida, les invito a darle vida a nuestra biblia. Durante las clases de catecismo donde nuestros estudiantes necesitan absorber la enseñanza y el amor de Dios, que mejor manera que utilicemos las historias de la biblia para lograrlo. Lourdes Ramos Recibió la certificación de Teología Practica de la Universidad de Loyola en New Orleans y obtuvo la certificación de Estudio Bíblico Básico de la Universidad de Dallas, tiene 13 años trabajando en el Centro Pastoral de la Diócesis de Las Cruces.
C-6 Comunicándonos Con Lo Sagrado: 10 Ideas Creativas Usando Símbolos de la Religión Popular Para la Catequesis La catequesis nos da la oportunidad de utilizar modos creativos e interesantes para la formación en la fe. Desafortunadamente, muchos catequistas solo hacen el uso de lo verbal y lingüístico para comunicar la fe. El lenguaje de la catequesis debe de ser lleno de símbolos y creencias populares como los santos, La Virgen María, los rosarios, los escapularios etc. En este taller, veremos cómo tomar nuestras creencias populares y utilizarlas efectivamente en la catequesis. Ideas prácticas y manualidades serán compartidas para implementar en sus parroquias. Víctor Valenzuela De padres mexicanos nació en Arizona, Víctor Valenzuela ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en el área de la bahía. Hoy radica en San Leandro, California, es vicepresidente de la formación ministerial para Dignity Health. Por más de 30 años ha estado trabajando en el ministerio hispano. Ha sido profesor de secundaria y ha colaborado en diversos ministerios parroquiales incluyendo pastoral juvenil y educación religiosa, donde tiene una gran experiencia preparando materiales.
C-7 La Evangelización Durante los Acontecimientos Importantes de la Vida El matrimonio, el bautismo, los funerales, estos son algunos acontecimientos en la vida de las personas donde se puede volver a conectar con la iglesia. ¿Cómo podemos utilizar esos momentos como oportunidades para la evangelización y acompañar a las personas en su camino de fe? Este taller explorará algunas maneras de cómo hacerlo. El diácono Lonnie Briseño es el Director Diocesano del programa de matrimonios, vida familiar y bienestar del niño. El diácono Lonnie junto con su esposa Lucy han servido en funciones ministeriales en la diócesis por más de 25 años especialmente en las áreas de catequesis, vida familiar y el ministerio de crianza de los hijos y los jóvenes.
C-8 Social Media & Modern Communication: Resource or Risk What does the Church say about social media and communications in the digital age--is it a risk or a resource for evangelization? This session will examine the Church’s approach to social media and modern communications and explore ways we can engage in it that will breathe life into our communities and help spread the message of Christ. Julia Fracker is the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools and Co-Director of the San Juan Diego Institute of Formation. Christopher Velasquez is the Diocesan Director of Communications
C-9 Catechizing Children with Special Needs What do we do when parents seek religious education for their child with special needs? How do we accommodate them? This session will explore ways and resources to be inclusive of children with special needs in our religious education programs. Luci Holloway is the consultant with Loyola Press for the Diocese of Las Cruces.
C-10 Parents: Becoming the First and the Best Parents (and grandparents) are the first catechists who speak the Good News of Jesus to children. Come and learn ways of using creative and traditional methods to also be the best of teachers to your beloved children. Patti Carrasco has been involved in ministry though music, children and adult catechesis, liturgy and marriage mentoring. She and her husband, Greg are parent of six adult children and are parishioners of St. Albert the Great Newman Parish.
C-11 RCIA Catechist Summer Gathering Serve as a catechist of children or adults preparing for their Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist? Come to this session to share experience, concerns and successes. Come learn more about the process of Initiation. Come find out how to earn certification. Joanna Haston is the Diocesan Director of Liturgical Formation.
C-12 Bring Music to the Heart of the Lesson Participants in this workshop will experience a class filled with music! Lots of practical ideas for incorporating music into your religious education class! Geri Brink has been involved in Church music forever, beginning at age 11. Geri is a music teacher, having served at many schools in Las Cruces area and is currently at Las Cruces High School. She has served in music ministry at Holy Cross parish for 35 years.
C-13 Credible Catholic: Debunk Secular Myths about God In today’s society, especially among youth and young adults, we are bombarded with the notion that science and faith are not compatible. An “I believe in science, not God mentality”. This workshop will explore those secular myths and show how the Credible Catholic resource will debunk. This resource is useful for teens and adults. Jannel Whaley is the Regional Director of Education Development for the Magis Center which developed the Credible Catholic Resource. The Magis Cneter was founded by Father Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.
C-14Deepening the Wellspring of a Catechist This workshop will provide a “path” and a challenge to strengthen your relationship with your Lord Jesus through meditation on the Word and entering the inner room of your being via contemplation. Sr. Dorothy Young is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice. She has shred the Felician charism as teacher, principle, formation director, missionary and religious education director.
C-15 Engaging Young People in God Talk Assisting young people in articulating their experience of God is integral to accompanying them on their spiritual journey. This session will provide participants with practical skills on how to use symbols, analogy, and metaphors in developing God talk. These skills are applicable to home, classes, youth ministry settings, and in our conversations. Further, this session will identify spiritual practices, faith skills, and rituals that enable young people to ‘talk’ about God and faith and to live out their discipleship. Let’s talk about young people and about God! Dr. Bob McCarty is a pastoral ministry consultant and trainer and has been in professional ministry since 1973, serving in parish, school, diocesan, and national settings. He offers consultations, retreats, workshops and training programs in ministry skills and issues internationally. Bob serves as the project coordinator for the Saint Mary’s Press research project, Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics.