Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico is called to put into action the corporal works of mercy; that the hungry might be fed, the naked clothed, the homeless sheltered, the sick and imprisoned visited, the stranger welcomed, all with the dignity proper to the Children of God. Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Las Cruces is the visible expression of the Catholic Church's solidarity with persons in need. Jesus calls us by the Gospel mandate to care for one's neighbor because the neighbor is a child of God. By our support of Catholic Charities in our annual collection to be taken up in all our parishes on the weekend of August 15 and 16, 2020, we stand together to accomplish what a small group of persons or even a few parishes together are not able to accomplish. What we do, we do for Jesus.
You are invited to contribute whatever you are able, each according to his/her means. No one of us, no matter how limited our means, can remain indifferent to the dire needs of our brothers and sisters who continue to endure such devastation. Certainly, the Lord will not allow himself to be outdone in generosity!